Hello, the goal of this website is to create a digital roman missal according to Father Lasance's "The New Roman Missal".The idea is to generate all the masses possible within the missal. Then those masses can be mapped to their correct dates based on the calendar. Conflicts arise, so the options should be ranked accordingly. I am still deciding how sther masses such as votative masses will be offered.
There are a few challenges associated with this project. The first is getting a parsed digital copy of the missal. I was able to find a pdf version and run OCR on it. The textfiles were broken into pages and sorted accordingly into directories. Now that I have them in their proper place I a splitting the raw text files intotheir appropriate specific file, such as, introit_en.txt for the english introit. The most glaring issue with this process are the inevitable typos. The OCR software I used is very bad at picking up æ and my knowledge of Latin is limited enough to miss many of the occurances. The second major issue I have encountered are sections left to the discression of the priest. I have not decided how to handle this yet.
For the time being, this site will just have a liturgical calendar on it and any masses that I have finished already. The liturgical calendar displaysThe mass for the day excluding saint feasts for now. Ideally I am able to add many of the simple masses shortly, while things like Holy Week will have to wait until later times. Normal Sunday masses and Saint Feasts will be proritized.
Once I feel the site operates in a way I am happy with I will release the code somewhere, either here or github.
God Bless!